What’s your idea of a renaissance for Central Milton Keynes?

MK Council is promoting their idea of ‘Renaissance’ for CMK with the image below. Find out more at today’s drop-in session at Acorn House, Midsummer Boulevard, MK9 3HP, 4.00 – 6.00,  6 March, including plans for a new university opposite Sainsbury’s.renaissance cmk

MKC says, “Some early projects will help to deliver Renaissance:CMK’s, including the redesign of the Midsummer Boulevard East area south of The Centre:MK and the development of a “Gateway to MK” in the Station Square area. Other projects include the proposed Hotel LaTour development, the development of additional private rented sector housing at the Wyevale site (D4.4) and the Stirling development at blocklet B3.3N.”

The Council’s controversial option for replacing Saxon Court with a much larger development has also been cited as supporting Renaissance CMK.

1 thought on “What’s your idea of a renaissance for Central Milton Keynes?

  1. Neil Jolly.

    They can try but they have already messed it up by letting developers have their way. A real Renaissance would be putting down strict rules for any new housing with minimum requirements of:-
    Rooves all facing south.
    4Kw solar panels on every roof.
    Water storage under every patio.
    Better than current BC insulation and leakage values.
    Roundabouts and redroute underpasses as per the original MK plan.
    Covernants making builder responsible for roads, pavements, lighting etc for first 10 yesrs.
    If they did all this it would show we were getting back on track instead of just making a fast buck.


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